Own Your Sh!t

Facing Your Past to Dominate Your Future



Health and Wellness

Fuel your body. Do you know anyone that owns a car that runs on bananas? Nope. In order for a care for a car it needs specific things like a battery and gas to run. So why would you put the wrong things in your body? Food is fuel. And we need to fuel our bodies in order to get shit done.


Sometimes in life you need to have those “big” talks with yourself. You need to ask yourself if this is what you really want. Are you owning your shit? Does the way you treat yourself affect the relationships you create?

Money and Career

Do you have enough of it? Not enough? What do you find important about your career and money? Are you afraid of it? How do you feel when people talk about money? Is there something holding you back?


Whether you believe in god, a higher power, or just the universe, what is your truth? I often wonder why we’re so afraid of dying. Yes it’s the “great unknown.” but maybe fear of death is really just the fear of not having lived enough before we die.

Tim Richardson

From the hand-me-downs of small town poverty, to designer Italian suits, Tim Richardson looked like he had achieved the rags to riches dream. At least on the outside. But when a wake-up call from his beloved wife forced him to re-examine his life, Tim knew it was time for him to finally own his shit.
Within these raw and vulnerable pages, Tim shares with you the story of his personal journey he made to shed seventy pounds, drop his self-destructive habits, and save his marriage and family. By remembering the morals his parents and grandfather had instilled in him, and pulling from the wisdom of his mentors, Tim created 15 rules for Own Your Sh!t that reflect his Four Foundations of living a truly successful life:
By the end of Own Your Shit, you’ll understand how your past shaped who you are today, what matters most to you, and how to change the parts of your life that need their own wake-up call (or kick in the ass). If this regular guy who came up through the school of hard knocks can do it, so can you.

Own Your Sh!t, Today!

I’m here. I’m ready to embark on the next phase. I want to help you realize that you can do what I did and what I continue to do every single day. Let’s get started.



"Authentic. Honest. Transparent… It has been a powerful transformations for Tim, and it can be for anyone that embraces his Own Your Shit rules and applies them to the four key areas of their lives" Doug Anthony Tim Hortons Franchisee and former VP for Western Canada
"It’s rare to find people who have the courage to face events that have defined their lives and gain knowledge from them. To put those experiences in writing and share them with the world, as Tim has done, is an amazing accomplishment. His raw honesty about his own events and the ability to share them so that others may learn and improve their lives is a gift to be valued." Larry Lovis Author of "Mapping Your Retirement Road: A-Nonsense Guide to a Financially Better Life"
"Tim is offering every one of us a gift with this message. It’s Practical, memorable and crucial. Can’t wait to see Tim Richardson OWN THE STAGE with Own You Shit." Vicki GoodFellow Duke Communications Professor at Mount Royal University


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